【仙台七夕花火祭 安全祈願】

【仙台七夕花火祭 安全祈願】

【Safety Prayers for the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival】
On Sunday, August 4, we held a safety prayer for the success of the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival at Sakuraoka Grand Shrine.
President Ohtaka, the executive board members, and the Tanabata Fireworks Festival Special Committee led by Special Committee Chairman Takahashi prayed for the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival to be held in a safe, secure, and clean environment. The main theme of this year’s festival is “smile,” and we hope that many smiling faces will be the starting point of happiness that will brightly light up the future of Sendai (the city).
The weather forecast for today, Monday, August 5, is for another hot and humid day, with high temperatures and the risk of heat stroke. Please take precautions against heat stroke if you plan to attend the festival.